The Bluefork Portal

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Sunday, June 08, 2008

All rise.

(Published in Zamboanga Today on June 1, 2008.)

When the Filipino nation's basic staple food went
up, most of the news reports on tri-media were
essentially, like the fastfood chain commercial, 'All

As an impact to the unprecedented sudden rice
price hike, we experience a different economic
scenario, that is, 'All rise.'

The domino effect is non-stoppable these weeks
and the Filipino consumer's pocket is badly hurting
at this point.

Today is the first day of June, the month when
every parent could have been a 'busybody' in
preparing his or her child for the opening of classes
which is on June 9 for most schools offering basic
education, and on June 16 for some tertiary
learning institutions.

However, a quick round from most schools in
Zamboanga City reveals that registration of new
and old students for the incoming school year is not
yet at a high figure. There are even local schools
that are still trying to reach their respective targets.
Most private schools have not even moved for a
tuition fee hike, so as to help out parents especially
those in the middle to the struggling class. And
certainly, many students are now availing of
scholarships if only to acquire an education.

Today, fuel prices are set to increase as well by
more than a peso. This means largely that
transportation fare will likewise go up, probably by
one or two pesos.

Despite close monitoring of the Department of
Trade and Industry and the Department of
Education in the increase of school supplies, there
will be no stopping the eventual raise, and DepEd
officials will be too busy with the opening of the
school year to be keeping a close watch at school
supply markets all the time.

Soon, we shall see a mark-up in the price of beef,
pork, chicken, seafoods, and vegetables. When this
occurs, and basic grocery items like milk, sugar,
and coffee prices shall soar as well, the average
Filipino will be up to his neck with all the daily
expenses he will have to bear.

While all these are happening, there will be not
much news on increase in salaries and wages in
private companies, and even government
employees will get their salary adjustment pay only
after a certain period of time.

The entire scenario may be gloomy, however, these
things do occur when all rise.

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