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Thursday, January 19, 2006

The Paramount Sultan on Balikatan '06

(Published in Zamboanga Today on Wed Jan 18 08:54:31 2006)

by Frencie L. Carreon

This is an exclusive interview with His Royal Highness, the Paramount Sultan of Sulu and North Borneo, Dr. Ibrahim Bahjin-Shakirullah II, on the evening of 16 January 2006-with special thanks to the Sultanate Prime Minister and Chairman of the Sultanate Heritage Movement, Datu Albi Julkarnain, for the arrangement.


"The Sultanate of Sulu and North Borneo, although illegally disempowered in its present political status under the auspice of the Republic of the Philippines, is undeniably a recognized political institution. As a dynamic indigenous political system concerned with the well-being of its adherents or "Raayats" under the guidance of Shari-a and Islam, the Sultanate is not amiss in addressing contemporary issues relevant to its interest and existence. Particular among the issues that must be given credence for the people's attention is the 'Balikatan' issue.

It is the general consensus of the leadership of the Sultanate of Sulu and North Borneo that the Balikatan exercises to be set in Sulu is totally an unwelcome development. Such military enterprise may possibly metamorphose to uncontrollable combat exercises involving American personnel, which are perceived to be counter-productive than beneficial. Aside from the tainted image to the Muslims of Sulu, of American military adventurism against the Muslims in Afghanistan, Kuwait, and now in Iraq, old historical wounds of American atrocities to our forefathers who were mercilessly massacred in Bud Bagsak and Bud Daho might reopen and ooze profusely.

In the perception of the Tausugs of Sulu, and probably the entire Muslim world, there exists only a very thin line that demarcates America's war against Terror from War Against Islam. This apprehension should never be allowed to prosper by avoiding provocative stints such as the Balikatan exercises, which do not even bear guarantees versus American participation in combat activities, as evidence of American participation in recent military operatives against belligerent elements are on record, although remaining a heavily guarded secret.

Assurances from local government that strict rules will be implemented to preserve peace and justice don't just hold water, for even the national government with all its inherent power and money, cannot solve a simple rape case involving American military personnel.

The Sultanate feels that while Sulu should extend its helping hand to America in its fight against terrorism, this willingness to help should never be abused to become a window for more tragedies and injustices. The planned Balikatan Exercises in Sulu, whether by intention or by mistake, can only plunge the area into more conflicts and violence, and this certainly will not help move our Sultanate, nor the Philippines, toward our vision of dynamism and progress.

It is indeed with earnest interest that we follow the political, military, social and economic development in our constituency hoping that someday, we will wake up to a peaceful and prosperous nation. The Sultanate is indeed stepping up its campaign promoting the spirit of brotherhood and unity among us. And it is only by a concerted display of will and sincerity and constancy toward this goal that we shall be able to overcome all our predicaments.

From the Office of the Paramount Sultan, Sultanate of Sulu and North Borneo, Scott Road, Jolo, Sulu."


Zamboanga Today: Why does the Sultanate oppose the Balikatan exercises?

Paramount Sultan: The Balikatan is counterproductive. It has all the potentialities to develop into a confrontation between the Tausugs and the Americans. You cannot prevent these American personnel from engaging into direct combats. Recent activities have proved that they have participated in recent wars against the MNLF. (This was sometime) In November. Eyewitnesses have proven that the Americans have participated in actual combat. If we have to rely in the statements of eyewitnesses, there were about 4 to 6 casualties among the American troops.

ZT: This has been denied by the US Forces in an earlier interview (with Joint Special Operations Task Force Public Affairs Officer Lt. Col. Mark Zimmer), as they said it would be a very big issue among the American people if their soldiers died in actual combat in Sulu-in violation of what is supposedly contained in the Visiting Forces Agreement.

PS: Naturally they will not admit that because that has been a well-guarded secret.

ZT: The Paramount Sultanate has not spoken before of resistance to US presence in Mindanao. For point of clarification, is the "strong opposition" you so declare be towards US presence or the conduct of the Balikatan exercises?

PS: There are two principles here. First, if the Americans are wanting to fight terrorism, there is nothing wrong, and we can help them with that. However, if they want to fight the disease, I believe they are just addressing the symptoms. What is the root cause? Palestine. The people from Palestine have been spread all over the world so that up to now, the Arabs are still fighting for their claims over Palestine. And the Americans and British have contributed so much to the worldwide distribution of the Jews.

ZT: That seems to be too large a matter to handle now. Shouldn't we be focused on Sulu?

PS: Yes, that brings me to my second point, which is in the Philippines. Do you believe in "Making scenario in Mindanao" especially in Sulu? It's like this: The Americans are already legally constrained to stay in the Philippines. This is because of the China factor. They have to safeguard their economic interests in the south Pacific. China is a very strong country. They are establishing their presence here because they want the people to feel their presence while keeping a close eye on China.

ZT: The Balikatan program has been reported to include the civic-military and infrastructure projects for Sulu, which is practically going to be a replication of what was done in Basilan.

PS: I agree, but this is just the icing of the cake. It is the clothing that will camouflage the real agenda. The civic projects are the clothing that will camouflage the hidden agenda.

ZT: Wouldn't you agree that the Balikatan exercises were simply meant to train our Filipino soldiers for the eventual elimination of the local terrorists?

PS: They built a mountain out of an anthill. If the Philippine government really wanted to eliminate the Abu Sayyaf, with the mastery of air, land and sea warfare, the money of Philippine government and the might of the Philippine Army, this can just be done without the help of the Americans not even in a year, but in just two months. The report of the AFP is that there are only about 200 left of the Abu Sayyaf, which I doubt. With all the operations and the thousands of Filipino soldiers deployed in Sulu, plus American presence there now, I don't think the number of the Abu Sayyaf will still reach even a hundred. The AFP just want to create a scenario, that Mindanao is so much in conflict, and are now transferring the scenario to Sulu.

Like the case of Commander Putol, who was announced by the President to have been captured...That was an embarrassment because until now he is alive. What happened after that? The military immediately conducted their operations in search of Radulan Sahirun-and up to now he cannot be captured. Why? Because there is no sincerity from Philippine government.

It is fitting to help the Americans fight against terrorism, but this military exercise should not be the means. We appreciate the humanitarian projects that they say they are doing to improve the way of living of the Tausugs.

ZT: Aren't the projects of the US Government, the USAID (United States Agency for International Development), and the US Forces intended to help alleviate the way of living of the people in Sulu?

PS: These should not be viewed as help, but as a payment for all the devastation that America has done to the history of Sulu. We do not see this as aid, but as payment for what they have done to the Sultanate. We see this as a rectification. Now, I would like to raise this challenge: if the Americans are really sincere in helping Sulu, they should help the Sultanate restore its historical rights.

ZT: So we should go back to history?

PS: Yes. On June 12, 1898, when Pres. Emilio Aguinaldo proclaimed the independence of the Philippines, he did not include Visayas and Mindanao, but only the 8 revolving provinces in Luzon. In 1946, America's intentions were to give simultaneous indence to the Philippines, and to the Sulu Sultanate. However, Filipino nationalists in Manila lobbied against the exclusion of Mindanao and Sulu because at that time they already saw Mindanao as the country's future economic baskets. Since it failed to grant Sulu its independence then, the US should make amends by helping Sulu restore its historical rights.

ZT: Do you believe that the US can have that influence on Philippine government to effect that?

PS: Oh, yes, America can do it. It has helped Panama. Why can it not help the people of Sulu? They have helped Panama attain independence without firing a single shot. How much more a little spot in the world like Sulu?
ZT: Do you agree with the notion that peace in Sulu is elusive?

PS: The American style of democracy will not work in Sulu. Just look, there is still unrest in Sulu. Now, this is the general principle. If you go to Jolo with vendetta, you will never help solve the problem of peace and order in Sulu. But if you go there because you want to help, then you ease the conflict and eventually end it. You can never kill the ideology. You can kill the dreamers, but the dream, the ideology of the people in Sulu, will never die.

We don't believe in violence, in war. We are now in a civilized age. There is not a single conflict that is resolved by war. The only way for the Americans to atone the Sultanate is by helping the Sultanate restore its historical rights.

ZT: Would you be open to the idea of a dialogue for peace with representatives of the US government, or the US Forces, perhaps to settle certain issues and doubts?

PS: Yes. That would be historic.


One question echoes through the walls of the Fourth Estate: "Will the real Sultan of Sulu please stand up?"
Dr. Ibrahim Bahjin Shakirullah II, Al Haj was proclaimed by a well-represented assembly of datus and religious elders in 2003, and was crowned by the Sultan of North Borneo, His Royal Highness Ajimuddin Bahjin Abirin, on February 13, 2003 (04 Muharram, in the Islamic Year of 1426) in Jolo-the seat of the Sultanate, before an elite audience of Muslim nobility from Sulu, TawiTawi, Basilan, and Maguindanao, and the cream of the political circle of Sulu and the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao.

His territorial jurisdiction covers Sulu (including the Sultanate Royal Houses in Patikul and Maimbung), TawiTawi, Basilan, Palawan, the Zamboanga Peninsula, and the Spratly Islands.

A registered medical practitioner by profession, Dr. Bahjin is an alumnus of the Silliman University were he finished a general science degree, and of Velez-Cebu Institute of Medicine. While born in Patikul, Sulu, Dr. Bahjin has spent about 20 years of his life in the Middle East-which accounts for his fluency in Arabic. He is married to Dayang-Dayang Radzma, with whom he is blessed with 3 sons and 4 daughters.

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