The Bluefork Portal

My friends are diamonds, my family my treasures. I am so blessed that thanking God is beyond rhetoric...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Best of Bo-jol!

We had a four-day break at one of the Philippines’ best vacation sites, the island of Bohol, where natives really speak with a stress on their ‘j’s.

On the contrary however, far from the “ija-ija, aho, aho” impression you might think we had, the Boholanos who welcomed us were demonstrating classic Filipino hospitality.

It was a learning experience for us journalists, four among whom came from Zamboanga City—Bhong Simbajon, Therence Koh, Charlie Saceda, and myself.

In a two-day feature, I usher the best of what I’ve seen of Bohol.


Built on November 17, 1596 of wood by the Jesuits named Fr. Juan de Torres and Fr. Gabriel Sanchez, the Church of Baclayon became a parish church in 1707. De Torres and Sanchez were the First Christian missionaries in Bohol.

Originally, the church was constructed to honor the Immaculate Conception. In 1717, the present church was completed. In 1768, it was under the governance of the Augustinian Recollects.

Through the years, the Church of Baclayon went through changes, improvements in the baptristry and sacristy, and renovations, while its arch and temple were being preserved.

By virtue of Executive Order No. 260 signed on August1, 1973, which was later maended to order No. 357 in January 14, 1974, and No. 1505, signed on June 11,1978, this Church was declared a National Historical Shrine in July 27, 1994.

Well, I'd say Froilan Gallardo deserves heaps of thanks for this brilliant choice for a getaway. (Frencie L. Carreon)

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